Certified Associate in Back-end Development

Certified Associate in Back-end Development

This course is a rigorous learning programme that aims to prepare students for entry-level back-end software development roles at companies of all sizes.

Certified Associate
Certified Associate in Back-end Development
Key summary:
Certified Associate in Back-end Development
2 - 4 months
Intermediate level

Engineer the Backbone of the Web

This course will enhance your skills in building robust server-side applications using modern frameworks and connecting with external services. Backend development allows you to contribute significantly to tech innovations, solving complex problems with efficient, scalable code.

What you will learn

Deepen your understanding of SQL and database management for complex systems.
Learn to create dynamic web applications using JavaScript frameworks like Express.js.
Master Python for backend development, including using Django to build robust applications.
Integrate external APIs and services with backend applications to enhance functionality.
Explore advanced backend technologies and their real-world applications in creating scalable software solutions.

Languages and tools covered

Javascript Javascript
React React
NodeJS NodeJS
ExpressJS ExpressJS
SQLite SQLite
Python Python
Django Django
Google Cloud Google Cloud
Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
Git Git
Docker Docker

Explore our world-class curriculum

Module 1:
Fundamentals of SQL
Understand SQL syntax and master creating, querying, and managing databases.
Learn to optimize SQL queries for performance and data integrity.
Module 2:
Fundamentals of HTML/CSS
Gain a solid understanding of HTML5 and CSS3 for structuring and designing web pages.
Develop responsive web designs that adapt to different devices and screen sizes.
Module 3:
JavaScript Track: Fundamentals of JavaScript
Learn core JavaScript concepts including variables, functions, and control structures.
Explore asynchronous programming with callbacks, promises, and async/await.
Module 4:
JavaScript Track: Web Backend Development with Express JS
Build and configure servers using Express.js.
Implement RESTful services and middleware for routing and user authentication.
Module 5:
JavaScript Track: Connecting External Services with Express JS
Learn to integrate third-party APIs and handle external data smoothly with Express.js.
Explore error handling and security best practices when connecting to external services.
Module 6:
Python Track: Fundamentals of Python
Master Python syntax and scripting skills.
Apply Python to solve real-world data manipulation and processing tasks.
Module 7:
Python Track: Web Backend Development with Django
Create robust web applications using the Django framework.
Learn Django's architecture including models, views, and templates for full-stack development.
Module 8:
Software Engineering Essentials
Understand the principles of software design, including algorithm complexity and design patterns.
Develop skills in software testing and version control systems.
Module 9:
Career Development & Placement Services
Prepare effective tech resumes and portfolios showcasing backend projects.
Gain insights into the tech industry hiring process and improve interview skills.

Meet our course creators

Darren Chiu

Darren Chiu

Technical Consultant

Anthony Chiu

Anthony Chiu

Software Engineer

Peter Chow

Peter Chow

Technical Engineer


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We will help you boost your career

Navigate tech career opportunities with the help of our Career Services team. Get valuable insights on interview skills, CV preparation, and building a professional portfolio - we will be the bridge between you and your future employers.

We have built relationships with hiring managers at top companies across the region, creating a robust employer pipeline for TalentLabs grads. Our team is constantly advocating for our graduates and helping you to secure your dream job.

Hear from our graduates

Goh Jia Ean

The course materials were comprehensive, yet easy to follow. And with the help of TalentLabs, I managed to secure a placement in Nielsen!

Lee Wynn Hann

TalentLabs's programme provided me with all the fundamental knowledge and skills that I needed to kick-start my career in tech.

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