We want to create
a better future

TalentLabs is a full-stack career platform focusing on technology careers. We are committed to help people across all backgrounds to develop the skills required to thrive in today's digital economy and meet the demands of the future workforce.

Working with leading corporations & universities, our platform offers a wide range of tech courses, access to global tech community, networking events and tech job opportunities across the region.

Whether you're looking to make a career change, level up at work, or learn a new skill, our learning pathways will help you achieve your goals. We aim to help our users discover the true career paths and match them with the right job opportunities.

Our mission

To empower individuals with the skills required to transform their lives through our real-world learning experience, best-in-class programmes, affordable education financing, high-value job opportunities and collaborative community network in the technology sector.

Our vision

Providing high-quality, accessible and outcome-driven technology workforce solutions to create economic opportunities for everyone.

Meet our founders

Our team consists of highly-accomplished individuals, bringing together our individual expertise and knowledge based on our real-world experience to help accelerate your career.

View all team
Terrance LokTerrance Lok
Co-founder & CEO

Terrance Lok

Razin Ryan RozmanRazin Ryan Rozman
Co-founder & COO

Razin Ryan Rozman

Darren ChiuDarren Chiu
Co-founder & CPO

Darren Chiu

Anthony ChiuAnthony Chiu
Co-founder & CTO

Anthony Chiu

Our core values

We are committed to building a legacy of quality, innovation and inclusivity in everything we do.

Continous Innovation Mindest

Through continuous improvement of our platform, we aim to set new standards in education and professional growth.

Practical Learning Experience

We bridge the gap between theory and practice, equipping students with actionable knowledge for their careers.

Outcome Focused Approach

Every lesson, assignment, and module is crafted to maximize your employment prospects and career advancement.

Collaborative Learning Community

Our community-centric approach ensures that everyone can contribute to and benefit from the collective knowledge.

Ready to change your life?

Even the greatest was once a beginner.
Don't be afraid to take that first step.

- Muhammad Ali

Join us now